The world is awash in oceans of data. Every time each of us engages in a transaction, answers a survey, browses a website, hands out a business card, or contributes to an online thread, we leave a bit of information behind.
All that knowledge can be a huge help in honing relevant marketing messages that resonate with consumers. But the data ocean can also be intimidating. Before you can turn those information bits into data-driven marketing campaigns, they must be processed, organized and manipulated—a prospect that can push up anxiety levels. In addition, designers and creatives can be leery of too much data for fear it will dim the creative spark.
Some reluctance is understandable as data manipulation does require specialized skills. The good news is that Bolger Printing has an entire team of data experts on staff to help you evaluate and leverage your data. Handling the data tasks and executing on successful data-driven marketing campaigns is our goal.
Let’s look at how data can be used for maximum effect:
Data backs up the gut feel
Marketers and creatives use data even when they don’t realize it. When creatives tap into a gut feeling and energize their talent, they’re tapping into experiences, prior successes and failures, and knowledge of their audience. That’s data. A more structured approach simply brings order to the process.
Data makes messages relevant and clear
Information lets you know what your customers want. It identifies their challenges and offers insights into their buying behavior. You can use this knowledge to decide what message to send to each client or group, and when it should be delivered. This detailed audience profile—a design brief in designer speak—focuses the message, unleashes creativity, and produces a better customer experience because the targeted individuals are receiving pitches that matter to them.
Data creates fully customized experiences
Having the right data is the only way to create variable, customized, and personalized campaigns. Studies consistently show that when marketers customize messages for recipients, response rates rise along with trust in the brand. Think about the many companies that stream or recommend content based on user preferences. Your campaigns can be just as relevant and well received.
Data proves what works
Tracking the response and engagement rates of various creative approaches and campaigns will indicate what resonates with audiences, giving creatives deeper insights into the emotional triggers that hit the mark.
Data helps keep up with consumer tastes
How often have you read about companies that failed because they didn’t keep up with changing consumer tastes? If executives had been keenly attuned to purchase and browsing patterns, comments, foot traffic, or other metrics, they might have avoided business downturns. Data helps you keep up with your customers’ preferences so you can fine tune your creative initiatives.
Data can tell you how to communicate
By examining where and how your audiences receive your messages you can choose the best-working platforms. If you know that younger clients respond to social media offers and older clients like direct mail, for instance, you can adjust accordingly.
Data prioritizes your outreach
Data marketing identifies patterns of dissatisfaction, highlighting at-risk customer segments. Are you losing long held clients? Perhaps it’s time for a customer appreciation marketing campaign. Are you not gaining traction with a younger crowd? It’s time to do something inspiring for them.
The expertise required to collect, validate, organize and manipulate reams of data is at the heart of this process. Our experts can help with all your data-management needs, leaving you to focus on finessing your strategy and your message.
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